A Letter To The Gifted

Leonardo's Mona Lisa?

I must be gifted

You must be gifted

We’re all gifted

But what is gifted?

Having something innate and rare?


Leonardo’s ability to paint the Mona Lisa?

Michelangelo’s sculpting of David?

I may be wrong to say those are expressions of what is innate and rare

But not it


that’s what is innate

and rare

your soul and it’s expression

In the way you love, laugh, smile, and think.


that’s the gift

you’re the gift

And you’ve been gifted to this mother (earth) which nurtures you.

You have been gifted to me

and I you

so I write this letter to remind you

of the gift you are



Illuminated By Intuition

Walking the path to transcend limiting beliefs, manifest prosperity, and sharing content as I go ✨